I’m very excited to once again get the opportunity to shoot with Dave Helmly..! If you are not familiar with Dave’s Adobe Blog I highly recommend you check it out…full of useful tips, tricks, reviews and just the latest buzz going on at Adobe for the Media and Entertainment Industry.
In the video Dave will highlight some of the most exciting additions to Premiere Pro CC. Big plus is having better color tools right inside of Premiere Pro. Think Photoshop or even Lightroom looks like it was integrated in the new Creative Panel. The editor is becoming more are more than just an editor. Clients want to see that Log file or ruff cut with a color grade or correction via a Look or LUT right away. With the new tools being added to Premiere the editor will be able to get the client a look very fast.
Also very cool is the new Adobe Hue CC(previously called ‘Project Candy’). It’s a super easy to use but amazing functional addition to the Cloud. Now you can be anywhere and take a sample or samples from a photo or video clip and sample on the fly colors in the image and it will build a Look or LUT that can be used in Premiere Pro CC.
There is also another awesome feature called Morph Cut which Dave has his son Skip being interviewed and has a pause and takes a breath. Well it’s not always easy to cut out such clip since you typically want the audio but need to cut out the pause or breath etc. Dave shows you how in seconds he is able to Morph the clips together rebuilding frames so the cut is seemless and the audio is retained to save the shot. This is sure to help you fix a lot of potentially unusable clips like in the interview with skip.
Finally there’s some great Media Encoder additions for with one I’ll mention called Time Tuner. What a great addition to Morph Cut to be able to not just clean up problem shots with new frames retaining the audio but taking a step further. The client says of shoot we added a commercial we need to squeeze the clip by 30 seconds or even a minute. Well with the new Time Tuner you can actually create a new duration length by taking areas of your footage with not much movement for example and it will do something kinda like removing frames that are not needed to rebuild the duration shortened to the length you need. It’s definitely one I’ll have to try just to see how this could help me save my cut in the future without having to go back and edit the clip. How cool is that..!
So check out the video below for a better walk through some of the great new features coming to the Cloud..!