
Flashback: Phillipe Reinaudo demos Firefly Cinema Fireday Nabshow 2018…

Firefly offers a variety of software from their Fireplay Live to Fireday Post. The ability to bring in a live feed over sdi and grade or bring in a mag and create looks in real time. I’ve been messing around with Fireplay and like having the ability to see my images with quick adjustment and or a lut for review changes the way you work.

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Firefly offers a variety of software from their Fireplay Live to Fireday Post. The ability to bring in a live feed over sdi and grade or bring in a mag and create looks in real time. I’ve been messing around with Fireplay and like having the ability to see my images with quick adjustment and or a lut for review changes the way you work.

In the video below Philippe Reinaudo demo’s Fireday in the FSI booth at Nabshow 2018.

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Jihua Zhen Kinefinity Nab

Flashback: Kinefinity Mavo & Codecs Nabshow 2018…

Kinefinity co-founder and CEO Jihua Zheng tells us the latest Mavo Camera line-up. It really sounds like they’ve learned from the Terra and have created some newer updated cameras. Will be nice to see more from the guys over there…

Flashback: Benq PV271 Showcased at Nabshow 2018…

Jason Lee of Benq goes over their new highlighted Reference Display called the PV271 in video below. PV for their Pro Video lineup. On the showfloor this looked like a very promising monitor. I look forward to the shipping spec and model.
