Hello World..!
Wow has time Really just blown by like a blink of an eye..?! Well for me it seems that way. I’ve been planning on updating my website(forever now it seems)as well as my Blog. I’ve not been sleepin on the Filmmaking guys and gals…on the contrary very much the opposite. I’ve been DP’ing more and diving deeper into coloring my films. The deeper you dive into what you’re doing the harder it is to keep up on it all…including this blog. I’ve very much enjoyed writing blog post and getting the opportunity to cover events in the Media and Entertainment world especially Nabshow. I will definitely be there again next year. Meantime I’m just really busy being a Filmguy :).
What I’m looking to do is finish up this short film next week. I’m working with some cool new talented people on this current one. Very indie and very stylized look. The Director and I have been working on this project since we had the opportunity to do a 48hr Film Project. It was very ambitious and challenging working with new filmmakers as well as crew I never even met till day of. That being said we made it(barely)submitting just in time. Here’s a picture of me in the trunk from film and at the Premiere in Portland Oregon at the Hollywood Theater.

So it’s been awhile since I’ve updated my blog with a post so I figured now was a great opportunity to update you all. I’m planning on having my new website and blog up by end of year. I’m also planning on bringing you into my edit suite, onset, and around the globe more as I travel and meet new people in the Media and Entertainment Industry. So I’m sure I’ll be bringing a lot more of my experiences here online.
Well as usual I’m up late…It’s 4:15am and yup I’m sitting at my workstation surrounded by GPUs at the moment and working on a new config on my HP Z820. More on that later. For now my bed is calling me but please check back from time to time and see if I hint you with some updates. I’m sure I’ll want to share with you all how the editing, color and new stuff I’m filming is coming along.
But before I go how about a recap of what the heck I’ve been doing since my last post at Nabshow..!
Well the Summer I was in Hollywood for Cinegear in June and back in Los Angeles in August and staying out in Malibu sippin on a cold one beachside when I wasn’t in meetings and kickin it at Siggraph..! 🙂

As usual there’s always something going on in LA. I was attending a different event at The Ace Hotel in Downtown LA when I came out…Boom a Film Premiere Red Carpet and everything..! Um there might have even been a couple of well known actors puttin this on…Ben Afleck and Matt Damon anyone. Yup and I got to see Ben arrive before this crowd did. Regardless if your a fan or not it’s always cool to see a bunch of film lovers lining up for a Premiere. Not too mention cameras everywhere…you’d think you were arriving at the Oscars…Lol…ok maybe not…but hey it was still cool.
Also as things go while I was in LA for Siggraph The Straight Outta Compton Premiere was goin down. I was able to snap a pic from across the street attending the Nvidia Limelight Party. Look close…ya those are some cool Lowriders(and yes I did roll a Lowrider on Hydros back in High school…they didn’t Vote me ‘Most Unique’ for nothing-10 switch, double pump, pancake, three wheel motion, you get the idea…Super Dope;). There was even planes flying over to promote the film Premiere and also where I was staying in Malibu I saw in the sky with ‘Compton’ spelled out from Airplane exhaust. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t happen everyday…in fact that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that type of advertising. Pretty coo!

Have to say at Siggraph this year there was a ton of 3D Printers, Wide Format ink jet printers(upstairs not in the expo)as well as a ton of VR and just a lot of cool stuff to see. Felt like 10 times bigger than last year up in Vancouver BC which I also attended. Gotta love Canada though Eh(Pops was born in Canada so ya I got love for y’all beautiful people and country:)..!

Of course Nvidia was there in full force showing off some new products including the M4000 and M5000. I bumped into these lovely ladies for a photo op and chance to share this pic above on IG/Twitter for a chance to win one. Unfortunately I didn’t win…but as you can see fun pic

You might even recognize the people with me above. I stopped by to see my friends at the StudioXperience and ran into my friends son Dave Helmly Jr.(who was demoing for Dell). Met him a few years prior at a different event…great dood. Also hello…is that Chappie himself…yup…got a chance to meet and hang with Sharlto Copley briefly at Siggraph. He was hangin with the Dave’s..!

Here’s a pic from our Short Film we are currently working on shooting custom Bokeh with Austin (Jus text his azz lettin him know he’s famous now-ha…I mean your on my blog dood-he’s jus as crazy cool as me…he’s composing custom music for the film as I type this…hellzyeah)the Director mastermind who also wrote the film and is sittin in on every edit session as I hit the keys and he and I bring this film and his vision to life. Sorry guys no spoilers yet…but if you follow me on Twitter which if you’re not shame on you…get over there now and follow me Yo! I’m typically on there daily…so feel free to hit me up there anytime. I’m good about replies there too..!
Ok guys that’s it for now…I’m a lil bit tired. Been workin a lot of late nights to get the film done..!
Ryanb. Aka: Filmguy